Thursday, September 4, 2008

what`s happening to the world?

Pastor Mike Gugliemucci
That`s pastor mike gugliemucci..HE preached to thousands about his terminal illness and tugged at hearts with a hit song..He wrote the song Healer...For those who didnt know..he actually doesnt have cancer..thank God??? yeap =) according to the song healer he said he had just found out that he has cancer and he just sat one day at his recording room and recorded this song..this was not REAL...He lied..well i guess no one really understands him..and we should not judge Romans 8:28 it says all things happen for good for all who believes in yea.. surely God knew that this was going to happen..well everything is in His hands should not judge and all we can do is pray for him =) it actually doesnt matter..its the words of the songs that matters and have touched many lives..the song has been a blessing for a lot of people out there, and it will be still a blessing..we shouldnt care of who wrote the song BUT what the song means and how it applies in our lives...
Arctic sea ice melt even faster

Data from the US National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) shows that the year began with ice covering a larger area than at the beginning of 2007.But now it is down to levels seen last June, at the beginning of a summer that broke records for sea ice loss.
A few years ago, scientists were predicting that Arctic waters would be ice-free in summers by about 2080.Then computer models started projecting earlier dates, around 2030 to 2050.Then came the 2007 summer that saw Arctic sea ice shrink to the smallest extent ever recorded, down to 4.2 million sq km from 7.8 million sq km in 1980.By the end of last year, one research group was forecasting ice-free summers by 2013.


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