dudeZ and dudettteZ(important posst) heee...
(went to watch omen )
coz it was 06.06.06
*evil laugh*
awesome day!!
well this post here is to remind the wholeeee world that one week from tmr 17 years ago..my mommy was about to haveeee MEEE!! what joy ehh??? keke..notice that i love to make my birthday a BIG HU HAA?? well that`s meee.... (maybe i caught it from lavvy=p)birthdays don just come and go for mee.. i cherish every one of itt!! but this year..it seem rather fast..my birthday is in a weekk.. I DON WANT IT TO COMEE...!!!! then i`ll have to wait for anotherrr 365 days?? goodness me laaaa...LoL!! i hope this year would be better AND funner compared to the years beforeee..mom already gave me an advance pressieee...a guess handbagg..thanks momma..well i cant waitt...as you cann seee,my past birthdays have been BOMBs(as in awesomeee) teehee!!!
larry`s turning 17..larry`s turning 17..larry`s turning 17..larry`s turning 17..larry`s turning 17..larry`s turning 17..
*sings* i am 16 going on 17..tralala...
me iz soo readyy..hehe..are youu?